Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Weekend at the Lake

Happy 6th Birthday Sam and Lucas.
Let the Birthday Games Begin.....
A fun couple rounds of toss the water balloon.

Baseball bat spin and run or in Jack's case spin and fall.

The infamous egg run.

Last but not least...the 3 legged race. The most likely pair below :-)

55 degree weather is not a stopper for these guys to play in the water. Oh I remember the days...I guess getting old means the water has to be hot tub temp before mom gets in.

Just in case you thought Darin just went to the lake to nap....

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother' Day Weekend 2009

The boys were busy Saturday when I was gone. I can image that for the rest of the summer you will be able to find us out back most evenings roasting marshmallows. The boys were so excited to roast marshmallows the first night that they used mini marshmallows!

Sunday was a beautiful day to plant our veggie garden.

And yes....we attempted to take Mother's Day pictures. The boys cooperate oh so well.

1st Year of Coach Pitch Baseball

Lucas is playing for team Express. He is very excited to be out on the fields again. Tuesday and Thursday evenings through the end of June will find us at the Chanhassen fields watching Lucas enjoy a sport he loves.

Lucas turns 6!

Lucas' turned 6 on April 27th. That week in school he was the 'Special K'. We made a poster for him to share with his class that told them a bit more about Lucas. He was very excited to bring it to school.

After Lucas got home from school on the 27th we surprised him and headed to Chucky Cheese as a family. Much fun was had playing games and opening his remote control truck.

This year we decided to have Lucas' party at the bowling alley. Luckily for us it was a bit less chaos or maybe I should say a bit more organized chaos than last year's open gym. This was mom's attempt at making a bowling alley cake.