Friday, October 29, 2010

Jack, Leah and the MN zoo

A bit cold to be at the zoo yesterday but we did enjoy all the animals inside and then took the tram to see the outdoor animals. Jack and Leah had much fun. I think the moms had just as much of a good time as the kids.

Be like the animals
Get down on their level.

Swimming with the sharks.

Den 2 Feats of Skill

We got to host the October den meeting for Lucas' cub scout group. We worked on the Feats of Skill achievement. The boys had a lot of fun.

Here the boys are doing the crab walk.

the frog leap

the elephant walk

they walked the edge of a board

walked a line back and forth and sideways

see how high we can jump
We also played catch with a baseball, did some basketball moves, forward/backward and falling rolls, ran for 5 minutes and attempted the frog stand. Darin did a great demo of that but I was not quick enough with the camera. We finished up the afternoon making smores in the rain.