Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fun on the 4th

Grandma and nana enjoying the show.

The boys were very excited that great aunt Rita was able to come spend the day.
Grandma and Grandpa and their grandsons.

Every good lake weekend has to have a picture of the boys lined up with their chairs watching a video.

Jack directing his crew.
Every once in a while the fun has to go on hold while the work gets done.

Lighting off fireworks.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

Lucas walks on water

The weekend flies high

Lucas and Darin's weekend project was to put together the rocket Lucas had gotten for Christmas.
The finished product.

Out on the launch pad for the 1st launch.

Could 2 boys look any more excited?
Pushing all necessary buttons for a successful launch.
Faster than my camera.

We had 2 successful launches and landings. On our last landing the wind took a hold and brought our rocket to the tallest tree that it could find.
The boys were bumming. Luckily, daddy spent his youth climbing trees so he tries to save the day...

Is he going to get it???
WOW! He is way up HIGH!
Do you see him mom????
Yea. Dad saves the day.

T-Ball Time for Jack

Mr. Lefty swings hard. This is his favorite position. After he runs home he immediately grabs his bat and tries to bat again.

Glove up and ready!

Sizing up the competition.
What may look impressive is just Jack's way of playing in the dirt while in the outfield.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

June in Review

Lucas played hard for 5 tournament games to finish his machine pitch year. The boys had a good time playing together and the coaches were wonderful.

Their favorite part of the game was afterwards when they all got to slide into home plate. This is Lucas sliding at his last game.

Coach Bob giving Lucas his trophy. He also told Lucas to tell everyone what he said to Lucas when he was up to bat....."swing like a man Lucas"!

Lucas reading to the class and all the parents at the author's tea during the last week of school.

The chair the kids made and gave to Mrs. Bulat.

Lucas, Mrs. Bulat and his buddies Tait and Caden.

The traditional last day of school water balloon fight at the neighborhood park.

Cousin Sam came to stay with us and attend VBS. This year the theme was The Key, The King and the Kingdom.

Jack's age had a sports theme but he was not to be outdone by the older boys so he was a sport's knight!

One of the first hot days of summer we had the pool packed with neighbor kids having a blast!