Thursday, December 17, 2009

Westwood Preschool Jesus' Birthday Sing

Jack with his teachers Miss Lori and Miss Cindy.

Kicking back waiting for his turn to sing.

The afternoon purple class at Westwood Preschool.


Jack celebrated at school with cupcakes and friends.
Jack and the all too familiar sight!

Jack's chosen theme this year was Tom and Jerry. Lots of wind needed to blow out the BIG 4 and boy does he have the wind needed!

Nothing more fun at a party than face painting!

Like the birthday boy's outfit???

He was big into making wishes this year before he blew out his candles. He had chosen his special candles weeks before his birthday and he was going to make sure every single one was on the cake.

Thanksgiving with the Andersons

We spent an afternoon at the Y playing in the water and in the gym.

When we ran out of things to do we decided to see who was the most flexible......

Then we headed to wheelbarrow races...and they're off!